Noob to burst....few questions

  • administrators

    @tomahawkeer I started of with 500GB Plots, then moved to drive sized plots using the gpuplotter - you just need to be3 conservative on the memory assignments.

  • I haven't used the GPU plotter yet because these machines are mining ETH currently, however if its a huge difference I may consider using it.

  • Is there any posted info on about how much / when payments occur ? My payments seem to be random times and amounts and there is very little info on that site that I can find for this.

  • in general ... payouts are on every found block by pool ... amount of payout depends on your earned shares since last block/payout ... they are not constant, cause your shares vary as much as the interval of finding blocks by pool. overall daily earnings should be quite constant, add it up and compare ... but they can vary, too. depending on network size and pool tb.

    the gpu plotter can be much faster with a powerful gpu, but most of the benefit get lost, if you can not write fast enough to disk ... would say ~20000 nonces/min are possible with normal drive ... if all is setup correctly, and you plot to 4 drives at once, you could reach 80000 nonces/min with a 280x for example.

  • administrators

    @tomahawkeer Nina and Burst-pool payout after your balance reaches 300 burst, or after 50 (I believe) blocks.

  • @luxe I have actually still been plotting, had some issues here and there, however I am doing 1 drive at a time (cpu plotting) at 200 gig files.

    I was not aware that you could do more than 1 drive at a time. Is that only the GPU miner? My GPU is currently unavailable to do it since it is mining ETH.

  • administrators

    @tomahawkeer you can use your video card to mine eth and burst simultaneously. I have several miners doing just that, jminer does the burst mining while eth is also mined.

  • @haitch I was asking about plotting not mining. That machine is mining ETH, and I was plotting with CPU. I have yet to try to plot with GPU because of this.

  • administrators

    @tomahawkeer - plotting, mining both work - I used my boxes to mine eth while plotting. You need to tweak you plotter values a little lower so that burst plotting isn't quite as intense, but it works.


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